Water for Life!!

Water for Life!!

Most people don’t think they need to worry about dehydration. To them, dehydration is something that happens to travellers in the desert when they run out of water. But there is a chronic form of dehydration that does not have the sudden and intense nature of the...
An Orange for You?

An Orange for You?

According to Tae Yun Kim, oranges are not only good for excellent health, but they also play an essential role in offering strength to your emotional body, making you joyful and cheerful, ensuring that a sense of well-being prevails always. Oranges are extremely...
Are you getting enough magnesium!

Are you getting enough magnesium!

Some signs can tell you that your body needs magnesium. This essential mineral is vital for your body as more than 300 different enzymatic processes need to help your body function optimally. Watch out for the signs below, and take a test to learn if you are deficient...
Snacks on the run!

Snacks on the run!

If you wish to a healthy life, you need to change the way you snack. Every time you feel the urge to gorge on something that is packed with calories. Rethink and choose to eat healthily. Below are a few easy and simple snacks that will barely take any time to make,...