Rapid and irregular heartbeat that causes poor or reduced blood flow to one’s heart is known as atrial fibrillation. This condition causes the atria, which are the upper two chambers of the heart to beat irregularly and chaotically, with no coordination with the ventricles, the lower two chambers of the heart.

The symptoms of this condition include shortness of breath, palpitations and overall weakness. One can have chronic Atrial Fibrillation and in other cases, the symptoms may come and go. While this condition is not life threatening by itself, it could manifest into something that could be potentially life threatening and needs immediate medical attention. It can lead to a variety of complication and medical attention needs to be sought immediately when one experiences symptoms that are worrisome, so that the heart’s electrical system can be altered.

Atrial Fibrillation – Possible Causes
Damage to or abnormalities in the heart’s structure is the main and most common cause for atrial fibrillation. Other causes are: Heart attacks, abnormal heart valves, high blood pressure, congenital heart defects, metabolic imbalance or an overactive thyroid gland, high exposure to certain stimulants such as caffeine, tobacco, alcohol or certain medications, improper function of one’s heart natural pace maker, also known as a sick sinus syndrome, lung disease or emphysema, viral infections, lung disease like emphysema, stress caused due to surgery, pneumonia and other illnesses and sleep apnea.

 Lifestyle considerations
Treatment for patients experiencing AF has to be customized, and a series of treatments will be followed before the best management technique is decided upon. Though, there are a host of lifestyle considerations that have to be made that can help alleviate pain caused due to AF.

Vitamin K can help during this condition, as it helps the liver make clotting factors that prevent excessive bleeding. However, erratic consumption of foods that contain vitamin K can also cause INR levels to fluctuate. So, this does not mean that foods that contain Vitamin K should be avoided, but they should be consumed in a balanced manner. Foods that contain Vitamin K include: green leafy vegetables and some vegetable oils.

Caffeine and alcohol are both triggers of AF and therefore should be avoided. Low sodium – low fat diet needs to be followed and cholesterol and blood pressure levels should be monitored. For those who have high blood pressures, salt should be used sparingly, as a substitute some herbs could be used instead.

Nicotine is a cardiac stimulant and will only make AF worse. Stop smoking if you are worried about the condition.

Certain over the counter medications like cold remedies and nasal sprays may contain substances that aggravate AF. Make sure that even basic medication is consumed only after you have consulted your health practitioner. Certain herbal remedies and supplements may as well cause aggravate problems of heart rhythm and therefore one must be careful.

Physical Activity and Exercise
Regular exercise is very important. However, it is important that you consult your health practitioner to understand what level of activity is suitable for you. It helps you remain in an upbeat mood, it helps maintain biological rhythms and allows you to get a good night’s sleep and it also helps control weight.

Get in touch with a Holistic Health Nutritionist to learn how you can combat and manage this condition by following a diet that is truly good for your heart. Homeopathy offers many natural ways in which you can manage your hart’s health as well, so if you wish to stay healthy, naturally, homeopathy is indeed a great route for you.